Friday, August 24, 2018

Henziyuno - The Hero Wars Arrive!

The Hero Wars in Henziyuno.

Henziyuno is largely a sleepy little port nestled on coastal hills, with fine hunting forests and a sedate river running through it. A status quo seems to exist within the town, with little conflict. So what will propel adventure and change in this place? What will the Hero Wars bring to Henziyuno?

Magasta's Daughter!

Long Sleeping, the mother of monsters awakens and threatens the outer islands, crossing into Vormain itself. She is horrific to behold, and in herself she also spawns many other creatures that herald her arrival. While not chaotic, she is destructive, and she threatens many coastal towns and outlying islands. At the Emperor's order, the pirate fleet is sent to intercept it to prevent the great creature setting foot on the sacred soil of Vormain.

The Wizard Cult

The introduction of the Cult of Dormal and the increased importation of goods through piracy has led to much knowledge being introduced into Vormain. Most is kept in the black vaults of the Emperor's most devoted scribes and scholars, but a few have escaped. One tome of wizardly magic, with some accompanying tools was captured during a pirate raid and was not reported tot he authorities. It has led to a small but powerful secret cabal of wizards, who are using their power secretly and subtly to influence the Imperial Court and consolidate their own power. Priests who normally receive divinations of threats to the Emperor are getting only confused and garbled messages, for what reason it is not clear.

Their leader maintains his own unsanctioned assassins guild. The cult is unknown and it;s discovery will most likely set off fear and paranoia in the ranks of government, with many innocent people implicated. No doubt the cult has already selected its patsies in that eventuality.

Pirate Rebellion

The Pirates are becoming wealthy - wealthy enough to be able to challenge the stablished rule in many places. In others their wealth is destabilising the existing social order and making nobles and warriors chafing at parvenu pirates. There have been scuffles, arrests, and executions. Things will come to a head very soon, and it is unclear whether the new warlords or the established regime will triumph. Many pirates have feet in both camps - how will they rect when forced to choose?

The Duma-Tiwa Conspiracy

Three lesser clans are chafing under the Hairu hegemony. Without a legitimate way to challenge the power of the clan, they have set  up a secret agreement to thwart and stop the Hairu clan and undermine their wealth, power and influence in any way they can.  One of their main plans is to ensure the death of the heir to the Hairu clan. They will deal with anyone and anything to help make this come to pass.

Hidden Chaos

Long isolation and stagnation have led to two dark chaos cults - Thanatar and Krarsht - to thrive in secret amongst those with dark desire and ambition. Their goal is to overthrow the Sun Emperor once more, and re-enact the Great Darkness to bring their Gods back into power. The Skull Witch Henzo-Ai has been gathering his power, and treading long forgotten paths in the Hero plane to gather power and challenge the power of the gods.

The Schism of Jenju

A warrior monk travels the hero plane and discovers the lie of Jenju. He returns and spreads the heresy of the White Ginko Tree. After much agitation the monk is crucified for heresy but the old paths of questing for the Jenju cult are damaged and the cult is split into two. At the great tournaments the heroquest of Jenju the Champion must be enacted - who will win?

The Wolf Fox

In times of wealth, time can be taken to clear land for rice paddies for leaner times. But too much land has been cleared by the greedy, and the Kami of the wood is angered - she sends Jupnir, the wolf fox, to drive away the people and punish them for their lack of respect. The wolf fox spreads disease and devours those who enter the forest, and gathers the enemies of mankind to its side.

The Quomb Revolt

The silent Quomb who neither eat nor sleep have worked as suicide slaves for the Vormaini since the Dawn. Taken away from their homeland they slowly weaken and die, but they are nonetheless common as slaves throughout the isles. 

But the unheard of has happened - there have been instances of Quomb rebelling, killing their masters, or trying to escape. Nobody is sure what has prompted this but every slave owner is keeping a watchful eye on their quomb.

Pirate War

There is much wealth to be made on the high seas - so much so that the number of pirates has increased tenfold in the last ten years or so. But ships are increasingly avoiding the seas around Vormain, and many conquered areas have already been looted. The pirates are starting to squabble, like so many little barons, about their conquests and spoils. It is only a matter of time before this spills out into full blown war between the pirate barons, and only a short time again before that war spills onto the shores of Vormain. Furthermore, with so many younger warrior sns seeking their fortunes as pirates, there is a shortage of skilled warriors in Vormain itself. Many suppressed foes and dissidents are finding this an ideal time to make ready their plans, whatever they might be.

Expedition to Monster Island

The Emperor in his divine wisdom has ordered a secret expedition to Loral Island. Why,nobody knows - only a single sage who must be protected at all costs knows. Warriors and nobles vie for the favour of the Emperor by volunteering for this suicide mission.

The Path of the Wanderer

Many have taken to the path of the wanderer - emulating the Storm God's wanderings by walking Vormain and righting wrongs. But many of those in power resent these wandering bounty hunters and justice seekers, however they have rights from their cult and their standing in society. Several corrupt minor nobles have already been taken down by these meddlers. How long will the powerful stand by and let this threat stand?

Runequest - The Coming Storm - Episode 6

Kerolar has a cunning plan, and travels to Hoarfrost Stead with some dirty and scuffed up treasures, to try to buy some shovels and a cart, to try to fool them into thinking they have found a buried treasure - but unfortunately he is not able to fool them and they are deeply suspicious. 

Wando tells them they have Corly and they agree to go with him as long as a hostage stays with them - Kerolar volunteers. The Hoarfrost Stead men travel with them where Idrima is, and they quickly fall under her spell and are enthralled by her. Once the Two Pines clansmen are more favourably inclined, they return the stolen sheep and Corly to them for judgement, and return to Red Cow Fort to hopefully gain praise from the chief.

Back at the fort, there is chaos. The Emerald Swords have raided, burned a stead, and killed Lankhpentos the Blind. Kanghal Blackbrow wants war. Kerolar offers to retrieve Lankhpentos' spirit and resurrect him, but his family decides Lankhpentos would rather remain dead. Wando tries to speak with the entire ring, but is unable to. They find Dana Longcoat and tell her of Idrima - she promises to investigate more once things calm down a little. The clan ring announces they have decided on a retaliatory raid - led by Jaronil. The adventurers agree to join the raid. 

They travel through Dangerford, and at night cross the ford and head to Rostakos' stead, under cover of cloud of rain. The herds have already been driven away to the heartlands of the Emerald Swords so there are only a few sheep to steal. A horn sounds and  the stead is boarded up. The warriors debate what to do and Kerolar throws a burning brand onto the stead, setting it on fire. Kanghal shouts for them to come out and fight. 

The Emerald Swords warriors burst out of the stead, and battle is joined. Rostakos fells Kanghal, and Kerolar, woefully outclassed, steps into the breach. He is saved only by Rostakos fumbling, and while he is still unable to hurt Rostakos, he is able to hold him off until Hopi can step in and kill him, beheading him with one fell swoop. The remaining warriors and the women and children flee, and the Red cow warriors break their shield wall to gather loot. But there is another horn, and over a hundred Emerald Swords crest the hill, looking over the 60 or so Red Cow raiders.... 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Glorantha: The People of Henziyuno

In further outlining this fishing and raiding town I've outlined some of the main personalities in the town. I have read a lot of Usagi Yojimbo comics, and I started outlining this town thinking of it as a classic medieval Japanese fishing village. however, as I've done a bit more research I feel like Vormain is a little less like Shogunate Japan but more like Jomon (15,000 BC - 300 BC) Japan, perhaps with a little of the Yayoi period (300 BC - 300 AD) thrown in. These cultures were much looser, hunter gatherer societies but with a strong heirarchical bent as larger scale agriculture begins to come on line. Their clothes and look just seem a lot more Gloranthan to me, so I'm leaning that way.
Jomon Clothing

People of Henziyuno

Henekuo the Blue

Henekuo is a middle aged man, wiry and dressed on good peasant clothes. Henekuo has always been fascinated by games of chance and this has led him to a life of low-key crime, running a brothel and gambling house with the tacit approval of the warrior clans, and buying and selling smuggled goods from the traders and pirates that visit the ports nearby.

Henekuo has a halo of wiry blue hair, and is covered in a network of spidery blue tattoos. He loves games of skill and chance and never misses an opportunity to play a new game or indulge in Ogo, the pebble game, his favourite. Henekuo is married to Ama Two-Cauldrons.


Innaga Hue is in her fifties, a matriarch of the Broken Sandal clan and the true ruler of the warrior caste of Henziyuno. In her youth she was a champion archer and huntress, but as her duties grew greater she spends less time in the wilds. Her daughter Amari-A is currently finishing school at the capital, and Innaga advises her nephew on the best actions to take. Innaga is advised by the witch Tohomi, who has warned her that a great change is coming, and as a consequence Innaga's greatest impulse is to maintain the status quo and their ancient way of life. She consequently disapproves of the pirates and the wealth they bring, but will do nothing against it while they are blessed by the Hairu clan. 

Innage is a slightly overweight woman with long grey hair. She has a red tattoo of a swallow on her right hand. 

Chusedui, Head Man of the Warrior Caste

Chusedui has led a life of relative privilege, and does not let those he meets forget it. He is deferential to his aunt Innaga, and visitors from the capital, but to most others he is remote and haughty. This extends to his dealings with the Heici and Golden Mask clans, who tolerate this condescension as long as Chusedui does not overreach his power. Under his leadership the boat is never rocked. however, Chusedui has ideas of gaining some influence with the Hairu clan, and seeks to elevate his position by taking gifts from the pirates in the area, unbeknownst to his aunt. 

Gengo Twelve-Swords

The head of the household warriors, Gengo is a middle aged man with jet black hair with a single shock of white. He sports a large moustache and is tall and heavy-set. He is slow to move but near indestructable once he draws his sword. He was killed in a duel and brought back to life by a White Nun. He now owes them for his life and must assist them if asked. He takes this very seriously. He will not speak of his time in the Hells, but it is known he has a dozen extraordinary magical swords he returned from death clutching in his arms. He rotates their use, but will not discuss them or their powers. One was stolen once and Gengo took three mens lives to retrieve it, not sleeping until it was done.

Abbot Osodero

Osodero is a devotee of Jenjuism, the mystic discipline of stillness in the midst of movement. This ascetic movement teaches hard work and forebearance, and strict martial discipline. Once a year Osodero organises a martial arts competition, which is part ceremony and part heroquest. The winner is invited to instruct the next year. Osodero was a travelling fighting monk for many years before winning the tournament and retiring to the monastery, eventualy becoming it's head. He has a military bearing, and is lean and muscular. He wears his hair in a huge topknot.

Ondo Green-Eye

Ondo is the head of the Heici clan, one of the three warrior clans of the town. Ondo is in his early thirties, and active to the point of hyperactivity. He is known to hunt frequently, and unusually has his own sailboat, which he uses to fish and sail for his own amusement. Sometimes he will even travel with pirates on their expeditions. He cares little for the staid morals of the town bureaucracy, and his eyes are always on an adventure and glory. He has one brown eye and one green eye, the result of an adventure on a remote island.

Ondo is a small wiry man with an intense gaze. He wears a full beard. Unknown to all, the unmarried Ondo is carrying on a romance with a fox woman in the western forests.

Jono No-Breath, Headman of the Peasants

Jono is a good natured and jovial diver of pearls and other treasures. He can stay underwater for seemingly impossibly long periods of time, and he uses this skill to talk at length on any topic. He is passionate about the welfare of the town and it's people, but is often unsure of what to do about it -on the one hand he respects the ancient ways of life, and in other ways he sees how the Hairu and the pirates have bought money and stability to the town. He is proud of his abilities to bring money to his family through his craft. He speaks of the deep waters where he swims, and the sirens who live down thee, calling from him to join them.

Huto the Hunter

Huto is the primary hunter of the town, and a devotee of the hunter god. He has the ability to speak to the creatures of the forest, and kills them with the gentle cut to ensure their spirits pass tot he next world. Huto is very holy, and has great reverence for all the spirits and kami of the woods and the seas. Huto has a full black beard and long wild hair tied back into a ponytail. He has a wife, Seiro, and many children. He often disappears into the woods for weeks at a time.

Inspector Imada

Inspector Imada is the chief tariff collector and policeman of the town. He is an intelligent and methodical man and a keen student of human nature. He is above any corruption himself, although he sees and accepts some of the bribery and corruption in the town around him as a necessary evil. He has a professional respect for and friendship with Henekuo. He and his wife are childless, and he has a special sad indulgence for any child as a consequence.

Tohomi the Sea Witch

Tohomi is a stick thin woman in her early twenties with pale green skin. She is a servant of water spirits, and serves the Kami of the lagoon. She has access to a number of spirits, both from nature and the land of the dead, and can prophecy with some accuracy, although not with reliable frequency. As a child Tohomi fell overboard and drowned - but washed up seemingly alive, but different. She enjoys speaking to spirits and the living, and enjoys the company of both, though never at the same time. She can often be heard alone laughing and chatting to the invisible world. 

Inu Inkfingers

Inu is a clerk serving the three warrior families of the town. He writes messages for them and translates letters that arrive from afar. He is also archivist for the town and keeps many records - mostly of lineage and records of birth and wills and deeds. He relishes his role as keeper of secrets but will not give them up easily.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Glorantha: Henziyuno, a Vormaini Village

My proto-map of Henziyuno's surrounds. 1 hex = 5km

Henziyuno is a historic and sacred site where the hero Inzuyima defeated the Eater of Men, a tentacled horror that infested the bay and demanded tribute. There he found his bride, Atanna, the sea bride. As such, the place has been inhabited since the Gods Time, and each year, when the Hero Quest of the Marriage of Atanna is performed, the seas are calm, the fishing and seaweed harvests are good, and the raiding ships return safely.

Henziyuno is a small and prosperous town, a mere days travel from Tengainzya, one of the main ports of Vormain and a centre of power for the Hairu clan. However, as it sits on the hub of a peninsula there is little road traffic, other than those who trade for the towns' craftspeople's famed goods, and the coastal patrols. Most ships will port at Tengainzya unless they have specific business in Henziyuno, with the exception of the Burning Wave, a small group of raiders that operate out of the town.

The Town

Situated in the Three-Step Lagoon, the town sits nestled in low wooded hills, and straddles the Heron River. The coastal road winds through the city and heads north around the peninsula, to Amishi and Miharu, further north. A low wooden wall surrounds the town, and a southern gate and northern gate are closed at bight to all but those who hold travel passes. Overseeing the city is the Monastery of the Circling Way, a small religious community, who also watch the seas for arrivals and foreigners as part of their sacred duty


About 800 people live in Henziyuno proper, about 450 adults and 250 cildren. Most are peasants but there are three main warrior caste families - the Heici, the Broken Sandal, and the Golden Mask. Around 300 are farmers and fishermen who live inside the town walls for safety, around 70 are craftsmen. There are perhaps 50 warriors total, including those from the samurai families, itinerant pirates and garrisons from the Hairu. 

Henziyuno is primarily a fishing village and as such most of it's industry is related to the sea. Customs men charge tariffs on pirated goods, fishermen ply the waves, divers retrieve treasures, shellfish and seaweed from the depths. Most crafters work on sails, nets and boats, although a small amount of pottery and bronze goods are made locally. The clan trades fro all other things it cannot provide locally - cloth, dyes, medicines, wines and ales, horses, and metals. There is a weekly market in the town where surrounding farmers come and sell their crafts and wares. 

Staying in the Town

For outsiders there are a few options. The Circling Way monastery will provide accommodation for a small gratuity, although it is out of the city, and the fare is meagre and the surroundings austere. Within the town, those with contacts or clan relations, or even better, a letter of introduction from a person of influence, might be invited to stay at one of the three samurai clans houses. These are walled compounds where horses can be stabled. Lastly, there are two small inns for travelers, although neither has a stable - horses must be kept in a separate stable.


Strictly speaking, Henziyuno is a protectorate of the Hairu clan, and administers it in the Emperor's name. A headman is appointed every three years, and practically, unless there are issues of health or a petition to the Hairu clan protesting the appointment, this is a position for life. The current headman is Magistrate Chusedui of the Broken Sandal clan. He is in early middle age, and is well respected by people in the town, although some see him as too deferential to the distant clan lords over local matters. Chusedui enforces the law through his Chief Inspector, Imada, and his three enforcers. mostly they detect infringements to the law and bring cases before Chusedui to judge. Their jurisdiction is limited to the town and the farms beyond and they are not equipped or entitled to take on, for example, bandits on the fringes of the civilized lands.

The peasants elect a headman every year. This year it is Red Ken, the dyer.

The other side of the government is the local boss, Henekuo the Blue, a small time underworld figure who runs a gambling house and keeps crime and smuggling to a minimum. an uneasy truce between the law and lawbreakers exists that acts as a vital safety valve for the usually tightly controlled townspeople to gamble, drink, smuggle and fornicate outside of the controlling eye of the magistrate. Henekuo runs one of the towns two inns, and an associated gambling house. 

Places of Interest

The Blue Man Inn

A small inn with four rooms, this unassuming place also has a back area, where gambling and prostitution take place. The place is run by Henekuo the Blue, but the front man is Ghen, who works hard to keep the place well run.

The Customs House

On the waterfront, Ora the Customsman inspects each boat for goods and imposes a tariff according to his ancient scroll of imports. Books or religious material, or items that might impart knowledge of the world outside of Vormain are impounded as dangerous. Foreign cults are regarded as a deadly danger to sacred lands. 

The Circling Way

A mystic monastery dedicated to 'Moving Jenjuism', this place is dedicated to mystic insights, and martial arts practice. It sponsors an annual tournament and the winner is awarded the red shirt of Gunnui. The current head is Abbot Osodero, a female martial arts instructor and master of unarmed combat.

Broken Sandal Clan Compound

A large walled mansion, this place also acts as the local seat of government. Messages arrive here, orders are carried out, and official records are kept here. But this is also the ancestral home of the Broken Sandals, an ancient warrior caste clan. Although the magistrate executes the will of the Emperor, the Broken Sandal is ruled by the matriarchal Innaga-Hue who manages the clan wealth and was instrumental in gaining the position of magistrate for her nephew Chusedui. The head of the family guards is Gengo Twelve-Swords, who famously died in a skirmish with crow-men but was returned from the lands of the dead with a dozen swords gifted to him by his ancestors.

Three-Step Lagoon

This serene lagoon is the mouth of the Heron river, and forms a deep and calm port for the ships who ply the coast. A long sandbar protects the lagoon, and local officials measure depths every year to ensure the bay is deep enough for the ships. The lagoon teems with life - shellfish, crustaceans, and flatfish, and the lagoon is full of fishermen and men with nets and scoops during the warmer months. The 'Three Steps' refers to three extremely deep parts of the lagoon where Inzayuma stepped forth to defeat the Eater of Men.

Oshino Wood

About an hours walk from the village inland is a tangled skein of woods and brambles known as Oshino wood, after the ancient kami that resides there. Fox hsunchen and wild spirits are known to reside there - not necessarily evil, but scornful and careless with human life. 

Friday, August 17, 2018

Stars Without Number: The Cherion Sector

I recently acquired the RPG 'Stars Without Number' - second edition, and I love it's sandbox approach to universe building. It encourages the sort of self-created settings that early Traveller encouraged, before the entire Imperium was mapped out and catalogued. This is entirely deliberate on the part of the authors, who have created a post-apocalyptic setting where the players are - anything they want to be - in a galaxy recovering from a  devastating loss of it's powerful interstellar gate technology, in the far, far distant future.

The system has a nice random method for creating a sector to run a game in, and so of course the first thing I did was - create one. It's not as purely random as Traveller, and in some ways not as elegant, but I loved the random tags which encourage each setting to be unique, weird and adventurable in it's own way.

Cherion Subsector

The Cherion sector is a scattered selection of star systems that have tried and failed once already to recover from the Scream. The Cherion collective is a decaying autocratic religious dictatorship, that is losing control of the few system it influences, and which is rapidly shrinking. The Triull collective is rapidly bootstrapping itself, working to create a shipyard with the help of lost knowledge from an old preceptor archive. Finally, the Khafrore collective is a loose alliance of worlds who benefit from their trading in a fungal spore with kown anagathic properties, but which can cause outbreaks of a zombie like disease if not carefully managed. Each political entity is far enough away that war is unlikely and difficult, but close enough that spies, sabotage, influence, theft and bribery are rife.

Dotted lines indicate a single political entity, while straight lines indicate major trade routes.

The Sector

0106 Zombies/Local Tech/Breathable/Temperate/Immiscible Biosphere/Several million pop/TL3

Fungal spores in the atmosphere can infect the population - they re rapidly mutating and there is constant vigilance to keep the disease under control. The spores can be used to create an anagathic, which is highly prized but prohibitively expensive for all but the wealthiest inhabitants.

0107 Area 51/Night World/Breathable/Warm/Immiscible Biosphere/Several million pop/TL4

This planet is tidally locked behind it's gas giant, and is shrouded in perpetual darkness. It has a rich biosphere and it's lumenescant jungles are a thing of beauty. The local government has restricted all offworld contact, fearing social instability if the contact with offworlders were known.

0110 Night World/Mercenaries/Breathable/Cold/Immiscible Biosphere/Several million pop/TL4

A world far from it's star, it orbits a distant brown dwarf that gives off enough infrared heat and radiation to warm the air and support a biosphere. This world supports numerous warring factions, who use paid mercenaries to fight their proxy wars. The world is a hypercapitalist society, and mercenaries and private companies are seen as a valid way to wage war.

0206 Anarchists/Utopia/Airless/Variable Warm/No Biosphere/Several million pop/TL4

A propertyless society of people living in a massive system of underground caverns and cities. Every need is cared for and groups work on a reputation basis to form and disband various groups as needed.

0209 Sectarians/Major spaceyard/Breathable/Temperate/Hybrid Biosphere/Several million pop/TL4

A religious overcaste rules over a majority religious underclass, and controls the reactivated pre-event spaceyard. Religious riots and bombings are common. The theocracy is in the process of clamping down which is merely raising the temperature of the world. 

0210 Warlords/Hatred/Airless/Frozen/No Biosphere/Fewer than a million pop/TL4

Heavily xenophobic world that hates a neighboring world - perhaps they just overthrew the government of the shipyard world. The overthrown government is sowing instability, and the ramshackle shanty towns of the airlocked world are rife with gangs and shanty towns.

0308 Forbidden Tech/Hatred/Breathable/Variable Cold/Human Miscible Biosphere/Several million pop/TL4

This world also has just overthrown the shackles of the religious world, by introducing viral unbraked AI's. They are in uneasy alliance with the local humans but they are in danger of spiralling out of control.

0406 Feral World/Police State/Breathable/Variable Cold/Human Miscible Biosphere/Several million pop/TL2

A horrible totalitarian state that practices death worship, cannibalism, death camps, etc. an awful nightmare of a world.

0407 Anthropomorphs/Sectarians/Invasive/Temperate/Immiscible Biosphere/Several million pop/TL4

Locals in order to survive blended with a local lifeform called the Tare, in order to survive on the world and it's toxic atmosphere.

0410 Doomed World/Perimeter Agency/Breathable/Temperate/No Biosphere/Outpost/TL4

A small collection of perimeter agents who are working to contain some tech that is out of control but can't be destroyed. however the planet is about to be destroyed by an asteroid strike - which will set free whatever is being contained.

0502 Alien Ruins/Utopia/Breathable/Variable Warm/Immiscible Biosphere/Fewer than a million inhabitants/TL4

A lost civilization used to live on this world - they reached bronze age and then died out, mysteriously. The current human inhabitants live a peaceful and harmonious existence.

0503 Primitive Aliens/Heavy Industry/Airless/Cold/No Biosphere/Hundreds of millions of inhabitants/TL4

A huge alien population is ruled over by a human overclass. tycoon monopolists have heavily industrialised the world for the benefit of the humans. There is unrest but a class of educated local aliens helps the humans rule.

0508 Hostile Space/Out of Contact/Breathable/Cold/Human Miscible Biosphere/Hundreds of millions pop/TL1

This world sits in the orbit of a black hole - the distortions of the black hole make it impossible for spike ships to land - the system has not been visited for over a thousand years. The humans have regressed to a medieval technology in the interim.

0510 Zombies/Unbraked AI/Breathable/Variable Cold/Human Miscible Biosphere/Several million pop/TL4

A world ruled by 88, an insane AI that implants humans with obedience chips. It is a horrific machine dystopia.

0606 Seismic Instability/Preceptor Archive/Inert/Temperate/No Biosphere/Failed Colony/TL3

A highly volcanic world due to it's tidal stresses from a huge moon. This is the site of a preceptor library, and the missionaries here live in an antigravity city near the equator.

0609 Cyclical Doom/Refugees/Breathable/Temperate/Human Miscible Biosphere/Several million inhabitants/TL0

The population here have fled the unbraked AI, and are trying to work out how to survive the great cataclysm - a deep winter that causes all of the world to die for a while, like Helliconia.

0610 Psionics Worship/Psionics Academy/Breathable/Temperate/Human Miscible Biosphere/Billions of inhabitants/TL4

A major world, where psionics rule, and the psionics examination is the most important event of your life.

0702 Refugees/Preceptor Archive/Breathable/Variable Cold/Microbial Biosphere/Hundreds of millions pop/TL4

A massive natural disaster has displaced millions on this world. The local archive is being used to help the locals rebuild.

Triull III
0706 Great Work/Utopia/Thick/Temperate/Immiscible Biosphere/Several millions pop/TL3

The locals are working on completing a spaceyard.

0707 Taboo Treasure/Alien Ruins/Breathable/Temperate/Immiscible Biosphere/Several million pop/TL3

These alien ruins contain slaver rings, which can be used to control another being.

0710 Hivemind/Altered Humanity/Breathable/Frozen/Human Miscible Biosphere/Outpost/TL4

Genetically and physically altered to participate in the Collective, a hive mind. This was originally adopted as a way to defeat a rogue AI after the silence.

0802 Psionics Academy/Cybercommunists/Breathable/Variable Warm/Immiscible Biosphere/Several million inhabitants/TL4

A highly functioning socialist government, led by enlightened psionicists and precognitive economists. 

0804 Feral World/Abandoned Colony/Breathable/Temperate/Immiscible Biosphere/Hundreds of millions inhabitants/TL0

A bronze age world of wars and ignorance, terrible cultural taboos, cannibalism, and awful crimes.

0806 Battleground/Taboo Treasure/Breathable/Variable Warm/Remnant Biosphere/Several million pop/TL2

Outside groups battle over this world, and the highly addictive drugs that can be produced here.

0808 Local Tech/Out of contact/Airless/Variable Cold/No Biosphere/Billions of inhabitants/TL4

A hidden world, using advanced stealth technology to hide from the rest of the sector. Occasionally agents from this world will travel to the rest of the sector secretly.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Runequest - The Coming Storm - Episode 5

A week passes. The group heal, and hang around Red Cow Fort. Lankhpentos, who is grateful for the players' actions, invites them to a feast at his stead, and gifts each of them with two cows.

During this time Queen Avartha arrives to stay at Red Cow Fort.  Dana Longcoat takes the adventurers aside and tells them that a situation has arisen which would allow them to get back in Brodi's good books. It seems a juror from the Two Pines clan has arrived, and is demanding substantial weregild for 4 people killed at Hoarfrost Stead by a troll, who seemed to be working with a Red Cow clansman, Corly Lightning-Touched. Corly was apparently sheep-stealing. He is a rather wild looking fellow, a little crazy in the head. He often goes about sky-clad. The lawsuit could be very costly for the clan. Corly hasn't been seen for a while and is known to spend long periods of time out in the wild.

The adventurers readily agree, and set out the next day (Dark/Movement/Sea) to Lightning Lodge, the home stead of Corly. They arrive at about midday, and are given hospitality by Welter the head of the stead. They say they haven't seen Corly for a couple of seasons, but he was talking about a mine he was working on out in the disputed lands between the Red Cow and Two Pines. 

They head on and cross into the Two Pines lands. They are intercepted by two mounted patrolmen. Wando successfully orates and convinces them to take them to Hoarfrost stead. 

At the stead, there is a trolls skull nailed above the door. The locals are not pleased to see them, and gruffly confirm the details of the story before demanding they leave. They pass out of the Two Pines lands into the disputed lands near dusk, and make camp.

Kerolar makes a spirit circle and enters a trance - he enters the spirit world and flies above the woods to try to locate Corly. He senses a powerful spirit nearby - an enormous red spirit deep underground, with earth affinities, and nearby a red earth foal. He attempts to bind the earth foal, but fails and is bound to the spirit. 

To his companions he simply fails to wake up - they wait until the morning when he groans and stirs, and then relates what he has found - two great spirits. Kerolar is strongly motivated to find the earth spirit again, which he refers to as 'Earth Foal'.

As they reach the place, they see a low ditch and a low ruined wall, probably from before human settlement. It is a huge square shaped compound, confirming the earth affinity. Kerolar, cackling with eagerness, dashes into a low tunnel inside the compound. Harolaran and Hopi follow. Wando hangs back, fidgeting  with his armour, and is taken by surprise when four animal skulls rise into the air, supported by bodies of vines and branches, and move towards him, attacking him with spirit combat.

Underground, the others come face to face with a huge underground carved rock, the spirit Idrima, which Kerolar identifies as the Earth Foal. Idrima defeats Harolaran and Hopi and soon all four are devoted to Idrima.  

Kerolar asks Idrima what happened with Corly, and she explains Corly is her first new servant, and she exists to fight chaos - and Corly has told her that the Two Pines are chaos. 

They retreat above ground, and Corly arrives, accompanied by a small brown aldryami. Corly greets them as fellow servants of Idrima, and suggests they slaughter a sheep as a celebration. Wando orates to Idrima and convinces her that Corly has deceived her, and that the Two Pines, while irritating, are not evil nor are they chaotic. Idrima agrees that Corly must face the Two Pines for his crime. The group, ignoring the protesting Corly, try to work out the best legal approach to minimise the exposure of the clan to a lawsuit, and decide that since Corly took this action as a personal matter, if they hand him directly to the Hoarfrost Stead for judgement...

Friday, August 10, 2018

Runequest - The Coming Storm - Episode 4

A week passes. During that time, the adventurers are recognised for their good deeds. Lankhpentos the Blind gives them each an armband worth 2 cows, made of silver. Others are aslo grateful to the group for the return of the children, while others, including the Chief, are furious with them for the loss of 100 cows in weregild.

They learn that a carl named Kangarl Blackbrow is putting together a raid against the Emerald Swords - last year his stead was burned. Kangarl has been refused permission for a raid but he has decided to do one anyway. Jarstak Bristlebeard has decided he will lead the raid. Since they are in the chief's bad books anyway, and since they have an axe to grind with Rostakos Twice-Outlawed, they agree to join the raid.

Kerolar asks his bloodline for boats - he is unable to procure them until he offers his silver armband as payment. The plan is they cross the Creek late at night, procure the cows, and then swim back, riding the cows, into their own lands. About a dozen young hotheads have signed up for the raid.

They leave deep into the night, boating across the Creek, and then they sneak deep into the Emerald Swords lands. As they approach the enemy stead, Kerolar performs a ceremony to become disorporate and flies over the spirit realm, sensing where the sleeping emerald Swords are, and where the herd is. He senses several guard alynxes as well. He returns to his body and relays this information.

Inspired by their hatred of the Emerald Swords, they break into two groups. Kerolar and Harolaran manage to round up 30 cows and start herding them away without awaking any humans or alynxes. As they are sneaking away they hear an alarm horn. They turn to find - it was sounded by Jarstak! He starts shouting and cursing for the Emerald Swords to wake, and come and fight. Wando and Harolaran try to persuade him to stop. Hopi tries to intimidate him. Kerolar wonders if he might be able to quickly possess Jarstak. But it is too late - Carls pour out of the stead and quickly form a shield wall.

Kerolar and Hopi decide to keep herding their stolen cattle. There is a tense standoff and then with a roar Rostakos charges. Haloralan casts bladesharp, and charges the shield line, disrupting it and scattering the Emerald Swords into skirmishers. But he is struck by a spear to the gut, and falls from his horse. Kerolar and Hopi charge to help, and Kerolar manages to heal Harolaran and help him back onto his horse. Jarstak declares honour has been served and agrees to leave.

Horns sound in the distance - a general alarm has been raised. They herd the cows as fast as they can to the Creek. As they do, a small group of archers fires at them. Kerolars looses a couple of arrows - to his surprise one hits! An Emerald Sword falls with an arrow protruding from his head. Hopis also fells one, giving them enough cover to ride the cows across the river.

Once back, they herd them to Red Cow Fort, to present them to the chief. Brodi, unsurprisingly, is incandescent with rage. He threatens the group with outlawry, and says he will keep all 30 of the cattle as punishment. This is quite unusual, but the do not protest. Kangarl invites them to a celebratory feast, and they accept and travel to his stead. There, they see Silesa Three-Husbands, a prominent member of the clan ring, who declares herself happy with their raid.

Kangarl asks if he can rely on them in the future, and the adventurers say ... yes. Kerolar takes this to mean that Kangarl intends to challenge Brodi for the chieftanship sometime soon. He undertakes to summon and bind some spirits as soon as he can for his own use in times of trouble.

Runequest - The Coming Storm - Episode 3

Voranga and Borngold take the group to a nearby swamp, named 'Stagland Sour'. They gingerly pick their way through the swamp until they arrive at a remote, still pool. At the bottom of the pool they see glittering gold and silver - previous gifts for Wandle. Kerolar throws his gifts into the pond, and after a short time a beautiful woman emerges from the pond - Wandle.

Voranga and Borngold ask why she has cursed the clan - and Wandle transforms into a terrifying hag. Kerolar flees in terror - the others stand their ground.

She screeches that she has been betrayed - and shows an image in her pond - of Farantir, the boy they met at the longhouse of Jarastor Three-Strikes. She then recedes into the pond. Confused, they return to Vorastor's cave to sleep overnight, and try to work out what the plague, missing children, and Farantir have to do with each other.

The next day they return to Red Cow Fort. Before they can look for Farantir, though, Konalda Otherways arives and says she has been told to bring them before Brodi. The chief sends all others out of the room and furiously berates them for killing the Kunars - the clan has had to pay a weregild of 100 cows for the deaths. They are told that if they go against his wishes again, he will not be so merciful.

They leave and go look for Farantir. But he's not around and nobody has seen him for a day or so. Finally they find Farantir's younger sister Renadala and explain to her, quite sternly, that they must find Farantir very soon to rescue the lost children and cure the plague. She crumbles after Wando hectors her on her loyalties to the clan and says that Farantir went through the secret tunnel. She agrees to show the adventurers where the 'secret tunnel' is. She says that Farantir goes to meet his girlfriend Malani. She leads the surprised adventurers tot he far side of the fort, and then down a winding path down the steep, nearly cliff-like far side of the fort hill. In the side of the hill is a small cave.

Carefully they enter the cave and are led a long way, past several side caves, by Renadala. some are filled with water - they appear to have natural springs. Finally, the tunnel rises. They sense that they have travelled under the river. The exit on the far side is well hidden and they emerge carefully. They travel a short way and crest a hill, and see a small stead with smoke rising. A horn sounds. They sense they have crossed over into the Emerald Swords lands.

12 men approach them - one man introduces himself as Rostakos Twice Outlawed and demands to know what they are doing here. They are definitely in enemy clan territory now. They say they are seeking a boy, Farantir, who might be with a girl, Malani. At the name of Malani the men are shocked - after a short while the two youths are dragged out - Rostakos calling Malani unseemly and judgemental names, and cursing the boy for leading her astray. They protest that they are in love, but someone throws a rock and it strikes Farantir in the head. Wando stands up and challenges Rostakos - who counter challenges him to a duel, in a weeks time. Wando is duty bound to accept. They take the boy and retreat, ducking into the tunnel when out of sight.

Once safe, they demand to know from Farantir what is going on. He explains that he found the caves, and in one pool he found a beautiful woman (Wandle) and made love to her. But on the other side of the tunnel he encountered Malani, his true love, and he has not revisited the cave. It seems that Wandle feels herself spurned.

Farantir takes them to the cave with the spring. There they see the missing children, far below the water, swimming and playing quite happily. It seems Wandle has taken them. Then arising from the water Wandle appears. Farantir flees in terror. Wandle takes on a fearsome countenance, and declares herself betrayed. She says she needs a lover. Wando steps forwards and offers to make love to her, and does so. Satisfied at last, she releases the children. Still smiling and laughing, they clamber out of the water - and they notice each child has a pair of gills which do not disappear.

Jostal is overjoyed at the return of the children, and says he owes the group a great debt.

A week later they travel to Dangerford to meet Rostakos Twice-Outlawed for the duel. Wando tries to call down Orlanth's lightnig to defeat him, but Roastakos is barely singed, and quickly strikes down Wando, who yields. Satisfied, Rostakos leaves, but Wando's reputation is nonetheless enhanced for duelling this fierce warrior.

The town of Henziyuno, Vormain

  Henziyuno History Henziyuno is a historic and sacred site where the hero Inzuyima defeated the Eater of Men, a tentacled horror that infes...